Simplified litigation research.
Get LexScout's all-in-one search engine platform to help you assess legal cases.

Judgment Search
Find and refer to more than 14,000 legal case judgments in Malaysia. Narrow down your search results using various legal terms and filters.

Lawsuit Search
Find out if a person or company has been involved in a lawsuit and optionally purchase our File Search to get more details about the case.
Legal search should be enjoyable.
With a team of lawyers, software people & a ton of court judgments, we decided to build a simple case law search engine that brings joy.
Better first page results
The most relevant cases will appear on the first page according to your search terms. We manually tag documents for accuracy.
Faster full-text search
Searching through thousands of documents within sub-second is no easy feat. We are working hard to make it happen.
Modern user experience
Building a sleek and responsive interface is next on our roadmap. Every now and then we will release more features for you.
Law firms started using LexScout